Our Stevensville, MT real estate market report is updated weekly
Stevensville, MT Real Estate Market Action
So how’s the market? It’s the most common question in real estate.
One of the simplest ways to answer this question is with the market action index.
The market action index uses a proprietary algorithm to determine if it’s a buyer’s or seller’s market.
An index above 30 indicates a seller’s market, and below 30 suggests a buyer’s market.
This chart tracks the sale of single family homes vs. inventory for Stevensville, MT.
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Stevensville, MT Real Estate Market Profile
For a current overview of the Stevensville, MT real estate market, check out the real-time market profile.
These 11 key indicators will give you good idea of what’s going on right now.
The market profile is updated weekly with the latest data.
Stevensville, MT Real Estate Prices
We provide four real estate price charts for Stevensville, MT.
Median price, price per square foot, new price, and absorbed price track four key market indicators.
The median price chart tracks the listing price of single family homes in Stevensville, MT.
Median price is the price in the middle. Half the properties are listed above this price, and half below.
The price per square foot chart tracks the cost per square foot of single family homes in Stevensville, MT.
Cost per square foot is the average listing price divided by the average square feet of listings.
The new price chart tracks the price of recently listed single family homes in Stevensville, MT.
Median price means the price in the middle. Half the new listings are listed above this price, and half below.
The absorbed price chart tracks the price of recently sold single family homes in Stevensville, MT.
Median price means the price in the middle. Half the sold listings were sold above this price, and half below.
Stevensville, MT Real Estate Popular Market Indicators
We provide four popular real estate market indicator charts for Stevensville, MT.
Average days on market, median days on market, price increased, and price decreased are all important metrics.
The average days on market chart tracks how long it takes to sell a single family home in Stevensville, MT.
Average days on market is the total days on the market of sold listings, divided by the number of sold listings.
The median days on market chart also tracks how long it takes to sell a single family home, but tracks the median.
Median days is the number of days in the middle. Half the properties were sold in more days, and half less.
The price increased chart tracks the percentage of single family home listings in Stevensville, MT that have increased price.
Price increased percent is the number of listings with price increases divided by the total number of listings.
The price decreased chart tracks the percentage of single family home listings in Stevensville, MT that have decreased price.
Price decreased percent is the number of listings with price reductions divided by the total number of listings.
Stevensville, MT Real Estate Inventory
We provide four real estate inventory charts for Stevensville, MT.
Inventory, new listings, % relisted, and listings absorbed track listings entering and leaving the market.
The inventory chart tracks the total number of single family home listings in Stevensville, MT.
The new listings chart tracks the number of single family home listings entering the market.
This chart displays the average number of new daily listings in Stevensville, MT.
The % relisted chart tracks the number of single family homes relisted in Stevensville, MT.
% relisted is the total number of re-listings divided by the total number of listings.
The listings absorbed chart tracks the sales of single family homes in Stevensville, MT.
This chart displays the average number of daily sales.
Stevensville, MT Real Estate Property Details
We provide four real estate property detail charts for Stevensville, MT.
Age, bedrooms, square foot, and lot size provide insights about housing characteristics in the area.
The age median chart tracks the age of single family homes listed for sale in Stevensville, MT.
Median age is the age in the middle. Half the listed properties are newer, and half are older.
The beds chart tracks the number of bedrooms in single family homes listed for sale in Stevensville, MT.
Median beds is the number of beds in the middle. Half the listed properties have more bedrooms, and half less.
The median square foot chart tracks the square footage of single family homes listed for sale in Stevensville, MT.
Median square feet is the size in the middle of the pack. Half the listed properties are larger, and half smaller.
The median lot size chart tracks the lot size of single family homes listed for sale in Stevensville, MT.
Lot size is provided in square feet. For reference, 1 acre is 43,800 square feet, and 100,000 square feet is 2.3 acres.
Median lot size is the size in the middle of the pack. Half the lots are larger, and half are smaller.
About This Report
This report and similar reports on Bitterroot Info are provided as a courtesy to anyone interested in Bitterroot Valley real estate market data.
We draw our data from an established research firm with real-time data on 99% of the zip codes in the US.
We make no guarantee or warranty of data accuracy, and we offer no perspective on the real estate market.
Use the information in this report at your own risk.
That’s a Good Question
Single family home median sale prices in Stevensville, MT are around $750,000 in 2025.
Single family home average days on market for Stevensville, MT ranged between 75 and 125 days in 2024.